The Best 25 Sales Decks - According to Hubspot

So is this some thinly veiled attempt for the author to merely and gratuitously repost Hubspot’s blog post?

Yes, but…

What gives you the right to simply regurgitate someone else words?

Well I’m getting to that, if you’ll just let me…

Is this just some attempt to turn meat scraps into sausage and then turn that sausage into tomorrow’s casserole?

In a manner of speaking, but…

Well then why?

BECAUSE I MADE #3 BABY!!! I humbly repost this story by link just to proudly share that out of their top 25 decks, my company, i.e. the company I co-founded with my partner and was COO for the first 6 years, made #3. Now I’m no longer at that company since I exited at the B Round and that was far from the last or best sales deck I created there but it is nice to be recognized.

Here’s Hubspot’s excellent post — could I call it anything less when they feature such genius? I’m kidding of course, I’m just giddy to be picked as a winner of anything.

Some commentary: I think great sales decks start out by surprising the audience and reframing a problem. The first slide or two should jar and shift the readers thinking. By the end of it, the reader needs to see your solution as not a nice to have but a must have, especially in the pandemic and post-pandemic world. Here’s my other blog post on how to sell in this new era.